Slappy Slaughter 2014 Recap

It never rains in California.
OK, maybe it does sometimes. That time just happened to be on this year’s Crazy Kyle Slappy Slaughter. The good thing about this event is that it brings out a solid crew of skaters that don’t give a fuck about rain. In fact, the added sketchiness and uncertainty made for an even more amazing time.
KB clears a path to his sketchy wall ride creation during a break in the weather.

Phony Alva (Nathan Rennie) brought some heavy slappy game.

The Slappy Slaughter was generously hosted again this year by Matt Gaudio and Hailey Villa at Pink Widow Distribution in Fullerton CA. With the help of Kyle Mitchell, we constructed a 18 foot parking block and Kevin Burke hand crafted a super sketchy wall ride that pulled the whole parking lot jam together.

Josh Mattson transfers into first place

Ronnie Yerman, last year’s Slappy Slaughter winner, front slider.

Angel Rules!

A bunch of familiar faces and tons of new comers. Everyone that came out, young and old, all had smiles on their rain soaked faces. Wouldn’t of had it any other way.
Peanut Gallery

Crazy Kyle Approved.

Cesar provided the soundtrack and killed it all day long.

Taco Dudes lunch time rush

Ryan Stewart went full speed since the moment he got there, raining or not.

Sonny Rodriguez

Kevin Burke

Jake Peluso

The Sarg!

Tristan Rennie with Yamo coming in hot.

Riley Stevens

Chuck Hults – ruling as always and took home the Ninja Style/Beer Savage award.

Heavy Metal Chuck

Eric Sheppard’s skating and fashion sense blew minds all day.


Crazy Kyle and Cesar Rimoldi – Doubles run.

1. Josh Mattson
2. Eric Sheppard
3. Jake Peluso (Crazy Kyle forfeited 3rd and chose Jake to take his place)
4. Ryan Stewart
5. Nathan Rennie
6. Ronnie Yerman
Most OG Style Award: Eric Sheppard
Ninja Style/Beer Savage Award: Chuck Hults
At the end of the day it wasn’t about a contest or winning anything, it’s about the pure fun of skateboarding, listening to music, and hanging with friends. Until next time.
Huge thank you to Pink Widow, DJ Don Cesar, Black Label Skateboards, Olloclip, Vagrant Skates, Hailey’s Print Shop, Silly Girl Skateboards, The Original Betty Skateboard Co., Stance Socks, Hurt Life Skateboards, Beer Savage, spank., Taco Dudes and to everyone that braved the rain and made this an epic event!

Photos by MRZ, G, and KB
More photos and video to come.