Ben Bridgers art Show this Saturday 7/11/09.
Fellow skater and master of the rock ‘n’ roll, Ben Bridgers, has an art show opening this Saturday. It’s is at the Miramar Gallery in the Pomona Arts Colony.

Fellow skater and master of the rock ‘n’ roll, Ben Bridgers, has an art show opening this Saturday. It’s is at the Miramar Gallery in the Pomona Arts Colony.
Download Nike SB’s new video, Debacle, in it’s entirety here:
Grant Taylor’s part is insane!
KB almost lost a nipple trying to get this one. He nailed it after a few trys and his nipple is still attached.
(just fast forward to 2:31 already, and two-step your fucking face off)
Ronnie Yerman had a “small” gathering to celebrate his graduation…
Devon Lamb
Kevin Burke
Nolan Johnson
Congrats Ronnie!
Art, Kevin, the Rennies and I stopped at Aaron’s on the way home from the SCS Grand Opening last Saturday…
Eric Gilbert
Lien to tail
Aaron Ebel
Erik Woods…said he hadn’t skated in 9 months 😮
this wasn’t a make, but it looks sick so i’m posting it.
Thanks to everyone for the photo ops and big thanks to Aaron for having us over.
and this is Art, filling up because he ran out of gas on the 91 on the way home :<))