Big Boys.
Youth Brigade in Fullerton Tonight.
Go OFF! Tonight.
Drunk Injuns.
Get Beer.
Visual Disorder.
Young Wasteners
I believe this band is from Denmark, they broke up in like 2003 so fuck em. Anyway, they released an LP called “We Got Ways” in 2002 that was out of print for a long while….it was recently repressed and available here… Please pick this up…you will not be disappointed. I won’t even make the comparisons. LA/82. Enjoy the videos. oh yeah..the song “Siren Symphony” has the best line of all time…”I hate cops to the max.”
In 1983 Minor Threat did a secret tour of Japan and fucked everyone they could in hopes of spreading the hardcore virus. A band called Total Fury, made up of little Minor Threat babies that had grown up emulating their hardcore heroes, was created in the late 90’s…In 2003 they played at the Smell in Los Angeles. Best place ever.