life is good.

Pretty much any time you go to Fontana, Tristan will be there ripping…Ronnie too. Last night was no exception, along with a few others.
Tristan – 5-0 deathbox
Bill – off the edge to 50-50
Chris – FS
Megan – FS deathbox
Ronnie – FS 50-50 off the edge
almost got me…
..or satan, however you want to look at it- we love you Tom.
words cannot explain…
Not only is today the day that the state of our wonderful free nation rests in your hands, but it also marks the one year anniversary of the little home away from home we call radballs. Yes, we have been clogging the interweb with useless information for 365 days now (actually i think it was a leap year, so 366). Hopefully you have been pissed off, laughed a little or just got stoked on life over our short time together. To commemorate this joyous occasion we have a few ideas that will probably never get done, so we will just start with changing the look of the page. Thanks for wasting your life with us.
Tony just sent me this. Looks like we better get out there soon…
For a long time the news from the Salton Sea hasn’t been very upbeat, but the people of the Sea have always figured out a way to enjoy life and keep the party going. So, it’s with some excitement that we announce that restoration on the legendary North Shore Yacht Club has begun. Yeap, they’re bringing the old gal back to life. This architecturally reknowned building was designed by desert modernist architect Albert Frey and is considered a classic. Now we can all look forward to enjoying it the way that it was during the Salton Sea’s martini heydays.
The community is of course thrilled about the restoration, especially since it could be a nice showpiece of what is possible at the Sea. But to be honest, in keeping with our own off-beat fascinations, we like the club because it’s where all the skateboarders go to hang and because the yacht club’s original owner was blown-up by a car bomb planted by some mobsters in the 1970s. Intrigued?
Have a boat? Or just want to drink a 40 oz. on the shoreline and watch the fastest boats in the world speed by? Continuing the good news in the Imperial Valley, we’re happy to give you the heads up that boat racing returns to the Sea as part of the SALTON SEA SPEED WEEK which will take place this December 5th, 6th, and 7th.
That weekend will offer you the opportunity to be zapped back to the Salton Sea heydays of the 1960s. The Sea’s water which is 227 feet below sea level and 1.5 times saltier than the ocean makes the Salton Sea the “fastest water” in the world. Many world records have been set at the Sea over the history of boat racing and this year’s “Bonneville” style event will see some of the fastest boats in the country, if not the world, converge on the Salton Sea to try to beat the speed records!
Day 2. This park is super fun, definitely worth checking out.
Tailslide to revert!
FS over the box
BS over the box
Me gettin’ some cradle action. Photo by Anthony.