
new music comes out today and i can guess that most of it sounds like assballs. so, with the convenience of youtube, i thought i would start posting up somethings that interest me. could be old, could be new, but will not be the greatful dead. that is unless mr. lightner posts it.
Deftones are one of my all time favorite bands. in 2000 they distributed an EPK to promote the up coming release of White Pony.
brian. hand crafted spine transfer.
if you look back a couple weeks, Mr. Lightner had stopped by the v2ROOT to document TheoStyle’s newest creation. well, the little guppy is all grown up and she’s a beauty!
my postal delivery person is a complete idiot. i have received numerous pieces of mail that aren’t even addressed to my address.
so, Mr. Buttram, if you are missing some mail, i have it. please tell the delivery person to get their shit straight.
a friend of mine has been working with Mark Richards, Rabbit Bartholomew and Shawn Tomson to get distribution for thier new surf doc titled Bustin’ Down the Door. the film is narrated by Edward Norton and will make a worldwide premiere at the Santa Barbara Film Festival on January 27, 2008. you can check out the trailer here.
a little vid from Upland this weekend. it was my first time there and when people say it’s fast…they aren’t joking.
i have an intense love/hate relationship with mcdonalds.
i want more than ONE goddamn BBQ sauce…
but i guess ill settle for 7 nuggets rather than 6, in a ‘6 piece’.
met Brant and Canon at chino this morning for a little shred sesh. here’s Brant doing one up proper.