Pedro Barros.
This dude is from Brazil, came out for the Maloof Money Cup Vert Ams and took home second place. I sniped a few shoots of him at Chino the other night. This kid goes HUGE!

new fontana park.
This past Thursday morning our friend, Dale Arden, got first crack at the new Fontana park with Bellmar, Salba and Lance Mountain…lucky bastard! Park was built by CA Skateparks with Salba and Mountain having their hands in the design of the pools. Two pools with pool coping and socal’s first cradle, this place is going to be insane. Word is that it won’t open until November.
More photos on
Muralist extraordinare and all around good dude, TheoStyle, has finally put his blog into action. Starting off with a little glimpse into his recent trip to Brazil. Check it.

Happy 4th!
…from me, from the city of newport beach, and from this chicks cunt.
-roof tanning outside our kitchen window- very, very bad idea, Jesus.

warped tour.
So, i just got back from Warped Tour in Pomona and the heat was pretty close to the temperature on the Sun. Needless to say, I spend $12 on 4 waters, watched the Aggrolites kill it and got the hell out of there. Here are a couple weak shots from my phone.

The Vans tent had a bunch of new stuff slated to come out soon.
Looks like an all leather perf Hosoi SK8 HI.

and a SLAYER HI TOP!! I think it’s an Owens Hi.

Loved to Death
this is my favorite stage of eras/authentics- my favorite shoe(s) of all time. i wait anxiously for the holes to appear, for the canvas to begin its a-symmetrical tearing, for the laces to turn brown & fray, and seeing my big toe for the first time through its burrowed hole.. it feels like such an accomplishment. and NO- i do not need a new pair of shoes.

After watching todd jones destroy it in the carry on video i posted last week, i had to keep going and post some terror. Terror was amazing before ’03 & Ozzfest hit (plus, jones leaving the band).. with a raw cross over blend of hardcore and thrash- they were the band to see live.
Scott Vogel informing TX about the stage dive trampoline..
Terror performing “better off without you” in 2003 – destroy.
Go Get High

Sometimes Shitty is Fun
Here’s a shitty photo of brandon taking the photos in the post below..

Here’s a shitty photo of a funny quote written on the ground in wax..

get shitty, you shit.