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My cousin, Chris Hubbard, lives in Santa Barbara, CA where he is currently attending the world famous Brooks Institute of Photography.  He was telling me about this camera set up he thought up, cause of some kid he met in class who is a welder.  Well a + b = well…fucking awesome in this case…






pretty fucking radballs if you ask me…
NOW- go carve a bowl with it!


i stopped by the v2ROOT last night after work to see what TheoStyle has been up to for the past bit. The man relocated his screen printing / art / painting studio to Costa Mesa this past month, and has slowly been settling in, and by ‘slowly’ settling in, i mean he has added a full blown shaping room, just to make things legit!- fully equipped with his first shape- a 5’8″ fish creation…

Jan 16, 2006 11:16pm.

If you are willing to walk a few blocks in 10 degree weather, finding a pizza place close to Korea Town is easier than to be expected. Not only that, you can find strokes of literary genius strategically placed on soap dispensers in an area I would describe as not the most sanitary of places.


Damn, I miss New York.