The Decline

Slayer Pool Party


Yeah, Why Does That Not Surprise Me…
Evidently, I’m a part of the 1/5 that does prefer Jesus over Satan…

Neckface For Vans
Saw this and a few other rad pieces hanging up at Vans HQ while I was there the past two days. This one was way too good to pass up. Love him or hate him, you have to laugh- I mean, c’mon…a baby holding another baby by the leg?! Classic. Just like Vans, Classic.

Grime Piece @ Vans HQ

I honestly think I stared at this piece for a solid five minutes plus…
This is What Neckface Looks Like…
I know I’ve personally always wondered what that dude really looks like, and if you’re familiar with his work- I’m pretty sure you have too. I was browsing around last night on the world wide web, and figured out what this idiot-savant really looks like…Check the vest in the pics…

Grosso is a Man with Words
This is Devo’s visor. Grosso signed it for him. Evidently, Devo is Fucked. Awesome.

Brandon Wong : Hard at Work
This is the right ball of the radballs duo (as I am the left ball), Mr. Brandon Wong. Brandon is one motivated dude- especially when it comes to working from his home office. I know if it was me- I’d be messing around, skateboarding, blogging, or doing nothing all day long; rather than being productive. If I had a home office like this, Geez- GAME. OVER. Well done Brandon, keep hope alive!