100% radballs

What can Brown do for you? Well, they can start by not smashing my packages to shit. I purchased the new Obey/Alva prints last week and although I probably shouldn’t have bought them, I was pretty stoked. This is what arrived today…hand delivered by my friends over at UPS.
Not so stoked anymore, but I guess it could have been worse…at least it’s not torn. With a limited print run of 200, I guess I won’t be getting my hands on another that isn’t creased. Not what you want to see when you take it out of the tube.
Looking past the 6 or so creases up the side of both of them, these things are sick!
Both are signed by Shepard Fairey, Tony Alva, and Glen E, Friedman.
I will say that this is the first print to get smashed that I’ve bought, but I would rather it have been any of the others. Oh well…
bob got this magestic piece from his brother jim for xmas…
I’ve been designing a few things for the scum bags over at Cohort Skates. Here is one of the t-shirt designs. It’s the black shirt with red and white print at the top.
Click Here to purchase one of these beauties. More designs will be available soon.
i found this over at www.mfzb.com This is Zebrahead’s merch booth at a show in Nottingham last month. Just so happens that I designed every piece of merch they had available there. Cool for me.