Debacle Bonus Footage.
In addition to KL’s Debacle post below, Nike has just released some bonus footage.
In addition to KL’s Debacle post below, Nike has just released some bonus footage.
This is Devo’s visor. Grosso signed it for him. Evidently, Devo is Fucked. Awesome.
You should watch every single skate video ever made then. Just visit Skate Videos Online, and let yourself go. And by letting yourself go, I mean sitting in your boxers all day long in front of your computer watching video, after video, after video, after video (it’s 100+ degrees anyway). Or just sit on ebay all damn day and do the same thing- either or.
Currently, I am watching “Gnar Gnar” (pictured above)- the all VHS Krooked video that God, I mean Gonz himself released in 2007 limited to only 1000 copies.
This is the right ball of the radballs duo (as I am the left ball), Mr. Brandon Wong. Brandon is one motivated dude- especially when it comes to working from his home office. I know if it was me- I’d be messing around, skateboarding, blogging, or doing nothing all day long; rather than being productive. If I had a home office like this, Geez- GAME. OVER. Well done Brandon, keep hope alive!