Light. Death. KB, Light, Death. Click image to view. radballsSeptember 17, 2010balls, destroyed, empty pools, photo, pool shredding, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboardingPermalink
Lifeblood. Bryce Kanights has rounded up most of the Bacon team and started what looks to be a very promising company, Lifeblood. radballsSeptember 16, 2010balls, destroyed, empty pools, pool shredding, posted by Wong, shred, skate, videoPermalink
Shok’ed Here’s a good reason why you should listen to Le Shok; Watch the first video, and tell me you don’t want to punch the singer right in his face. radballsSeptember 14, 2010balls, humor, music, posted by Lightner, radPermalink
Pooling Around 3. radballsSeptember 13, 2010balls, destroyed, empty pools, pool shredding, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboarding, videoPermalink
Reeves of Fury. radballsSeptember 12, 2010balls, destroyed, empty pools, pool shredding, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboarding, videoPermalink
Labor Day at Bucky’s. radballsSeptember 11, 2010balls, empty pools, pool shredding, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboarding, videoPermalink
Transfered. Messing around with a sequence. KB, transfer at Chino. Click image to view. radballsSeptember 6, 2010balls, photo, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboardingPermalink
East Coast Nugz? radballsSeptember 5, 2010balls, destroyed, posted by Wong, shred, skate, skateboarding, videoPermalink
Bad Brains Interview. radballsSeptember 3, 2010balls, music, posted by WongPermalink
Randumbs. Don’t fear the Sweeper. The Dickies TXT and Destroy radballsSeptember 2, 2010balls, destroyed, empty pools, humor, photo, posted by Wong, ramp, skate, skateboardingPermalink