The Dwarves.
Mitch Abshere is Radballs
Bacon @ YMCA.
Best of Buena.
Desert Gems.
KB and I meet up with Blue Tile Ozzie and Sean at Ridiculous then headed out towards the desert for a little pool mission. We met Doug and Jake and they were kind enough to take us to a few of their gems. I only got a few shots, but handed the camera off to Ozzie and he killed it.
Pool pals


Jake, shallow box

No go

Sean FS over the ladder

It’s a good day when I get my first ladder and shallow light in one day

Doug lays it down

Ozzie air time


Pretty much one of the best days of skating I have had in a long while. Everyone was on point, ripping and smiles all around. Huge thanks to everybody for an epic day and thanks Ozzie for sharing the camera duties. Find ’em and grind ’em!
Jake of the Shred.
Fresh new footage of Jake Reuter by Mark Choiniere. Check out his blog here:
The Glory of Man