New flash, same park.
Just got a new flash, so took it out to Chino on Saturday to give it a whirl.
Yaaa Chrissss



Just got a new flash, so took it out to Chino on Saturday to give it a whirl.
Yaaa Chrissss
The second Rumble in Ramona is being held this Saturday, Oct 17. Check the Thrasher site for more details.
Here is some footage from last year.
Here is Burnquist’s part from Extremely Sorry. Insane!
it got yanked, sorry (extremely)
Looks like Bucky Lasek had a little BBQ skate sesh in his backyard recently and the fine people at Vans have posted up some photos.
By the looks of the insane cameras and that super annoying host guy, I would assume that this should show up on Fuel TV very soon. More photo here:
EDIT: CD has some rad coverage here:
Video here:
I recently bit the bullet and bought a Qflash. Meet KB at Chino today for a test run. I think I need to read the instructions…
Mr. Caballero drops some skateboard history on his blog, explaining the orgins of the fakie 360 olllie AKA, the Caballerial.
Photo: Steve Potwin
Concrete Disciples is throwin’ another rager down at Channel Street, November 1. Get some!