manic compression.
In most instances, when an amazing band calls it quits, it is unlikely for the disbanded members to go on and create something equal or even close to what made them great the first time around. That being said, there are a few that have moved on and brought some of the most influential music of my generation. Although they may not have had the commercial success that should go along with such a feat, Quicksand is definitely one of those bands. Hailing from two of the most notable New York Hardcore bands of the late 80s (Youth of Today and Gorilla Biscuits), Walter Schreifels went on to front a group that had a heavy hand in creating a Post-Hardcore moment that many bands to this day still try to emulate. You can add these guys to the “Before Their Time” file.
pool scum.

skinned alive.
A few weeks ago I got wind that the Ark Ramp was dying a slow death and the Skatelite was up for the taking. For those that don’t know what Skatelite is, it’s a top sheet used for ramps that is over $100 a sheet and we were getting it for free. So, Scott and I headed down south to retrieve the hot commodity. The only catch was that we had to take it off ourselves.
We arrived and were greeted by Chris…and this guy.

Working hard? Hardly working?


The Goods.

Out the door.

Loaded up, ready for it’s new home…where ever that may be.

and a few WWKS? (What Would Kyle Shoot?)

Stay tuned for the resurrection.
on a roll.

save a prayer.
When I was roughly 7 or 8 years old there was this girl across the street that would baby sit me. She was this kinda punk rock, new wavish chick that loved Duran Duran, and would be glued to MTV every time a video came on. My mom never let me watch MTV, so these were the only videos I was being exposed to. I guess it rubbed off on me, because to this day, this is still one of my all time favorite songs.
Just had one of these new Bud Light Limes and have to say it’s not that bad. They should be available in stores and your local watering hole May 1. You may be wondering, why don’t I just buy some limes and squeeze them into a beer myself? Well, i’ve got a nasty paper cut and that shit stings like a mother when citrus hits it. Problem solved.

100% radballs

all hail!

built to grind… hm, looks funny..

good job guys, thats not super obvious at all.