Sloppy Seconds – Chino 7/21/11
Pooling Around 4.
Aaron Ebel.
Smashing Fontana.
Radballs Shirts.
Just found a few more shirts and put them up at …including Radbaldy and Rad Balligion. Go buy some so we can order new ones.

next time you decide to dose yourself, and you think you’re “tripping balls”– check your pants and see if they look like this…

…because if they don’t, you’re probably not “tripping balls”.
Mad Marge and the F-Bombs
Studio recordings@
Ourstage and Facebook and current Megadose Facebook
Mad Marge and Wehttam from Mad Marge and the Stonecutters are at it again. This time teaming up with some other desert superstars, forgetting about mile high hairdos and laying down some sweet rock and roll riffs. It keeps getting better and better, keep an eye out for new songs and their upcoming full length. they may or my not be going by the name megadose, or something else by now.