D*face X Ridiculous Video.
PK sent this video over yesterday…sick!!
It’s a larger file, so wait for it to load or download it to you computer.

Jason Adams OJ3 Commercial.
Ridiculous gets D*faced.
London based artist, D*face, made it out to the IE and laid down some serious paint on the infamous Ridiculous Pool. A weeks worth of paint fumes transformed the once tennis court look into a bowl of human skulls. After a week of not being skated, everyone was anxious to shred.




For a more detailed look, check Concrete Disciples here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/forum/index.php?action=vthread&forum=28&topic=8449
For more info on D*face, check his website here: http://www.dface.co.uk/
Burger Bowl 11/10/09.
Insane session went down over at Burger Bowl the other night. Josh Borden, Alex Perelson, Tom Remillard, Jake Rueter, Devon Lamb and others were straight killing the place. Here’s a quick clip of Alex and Devon.
Old Vegas Footage.
Just found this old one searchin’ the ‘Tube. KB, Art, Brant, Hamrock and others ripping Vegas style…
IE ripper and all around good dude, Art Miranda, has a new deck coming out soon on Beer Run Skateboards. Congrats homie! Check it out here: http://defender-dist.com/beer_run

Day of the Dead 2 Photos.
Concrete Disciples held their Day of the Dead 2 benefit down at Channel Street the day after Halloween. It was pretty intense and a lot of ripping was going down. They raised a ton of cash for SPSA and I think everyone walked out of there with some swag. CD included a few of my photos in their article that you can check out here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/cd_articles/cd_articles2.php?article=981
Here are a few…
Roller Chick ripping!

Jerry Madrid and Art Miranda


Sam and Michelle

Little ripper

Ray Barbee Vans Vault Release Party.

Max Shaaf – Epicly Later’d.
The 4th and finale episode went up this week. If you haven’t seen them yet, do yourself a favor and click on over to the VBS site.