Hirsch Compound 9/13/08
A couple shots from the little BBQ/Ramp sesh at the Hirsch Compound yesterday.
Mike on the new reissue Jeff Kendall.


Dan C.

A couple shots from the little BBQ/Ramp sesh at the Hirsch Compound yesterday.
Mike on the new reissue Jeff Kendall.
Dan C.
Santa Cruz Skateboards held a 35th year signing down at ASR this past Friday. Mike, Chris and I stood in line for what seemed like an eternity to shake hands and get signatures from a few of these Santa Cruz legends. Not all of the names listed were there, but definitely some heavy hitters. I just had a little point and shoot camera, so I apologize for the quality.
Rich Novak and Jim Phillips
Phillips laying down some ink.
Down the line.
Natas and Bod Boyle
Tom Knox, Eric Dressen and part of Jeff Kendall
Wall of Classics.
The finished product.
Went down to WSVT yesterday morning to try and get a few runs in before the crowd rolled in. It wasn’t long before the place was going off…and im sure it only got hotter. The SMA crew was in effect and Skip was out there BBQing some hot dogs. Not only is this place super hard to skate, it’s not easy to take pictures at either…but enough of my excuses…
New section of the bowl closed in.
Jerry Gurney. FS Smith over the loveseat.
I came across this article on the Slap Magazine website a few months back, but I forgot to post it. Just read it again and it’s even better the second time around…now I want to go skate!
Just picked up these new Ranchero Half Cabs. Available at Liberty Boardshop Time to shred!
These beauties showed up on my doorstep today…so stoked. www.skatebook.tv
I love getting txt messages with photos like this attached.
Even though this one doesn’t look that great, there’s bound to be a good one coming soon…
Here’s a quick vid from yesterday. Since my foot is messed up and i can’t skate, i get to watch.