Last Day of Combi.
Headed to vans Sunday morning to get a final few runs of the Combi pool as we know it . She is getting a face lift with new trannies, new coping and concrete instead of plaster. I shot this on my little point and shoot camera.
Call In Sick.
Some KB footage at Jurupa with his new helmet cam.
Ray Barbee, tonight in Long Beach.
Ed Templeton – The Seconds Pass.
Ridiculous 2/28/10.
Drove out to the IE yesterday to meet up with KB, Art and Scooper. As always, a heated session ensued…



Doug “Pineapple” Saladino




Bikes, Boards and Guns!
The fine people at Brixton just posted up this gem.
Pfanner Pfridays.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Jake Reuter.
I recently shot and edited this short vid of Jake Reuter. Not only does the kid rip, he is an all around cool dude.