IE ripper and all around good dude, Art Miranda, has a new deck coming out soon on Beer Run Skateboards. Congrats homie! Check it out here: http://defender-dist.com/beer_run

Day of the Dead 2 Photos.
Concrete Disciples held their Day of the Dead 2 benefit down at Channel Street the day after Halloween. It was pretty intense and a lot of ripping was going down. They raised a ton of cash for SPSA and I think everyone walked out of there with some swag. CD included a few of my photos in their article that you can check out here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/cd_articles/cd_articles2.php?article=981
Here are a few…
Roller Chick ripping!

Jerry Madrid and Art Miranda


Sam and Michelle

Little ripper

Ray Barbee Vans Vault Release Party.

Max Shaaf – Epicly Later’d.
The 4th and finale episode went up this week. If you haven’t seen them yet, do yourself a favor and click on over to the VBS site.

New Bacon Video.
Looks like Bacon Skateboards will have a new video coming out soon entitled Unheard.
Robert Williams X Vans Vault X DQM.
Venice Skatepark 11/1/09.
Venice Beach finally got a skatepark built and opened just a few weeks ago. Made the trek out there yesterday to check it out. Saw a lot of familiar faces and everyone was ripping! Here are a couple shots.



Went out to Venice today to check out the new park then over to San Pedro for Concrete Disciple’s benefit jam. It was insane. More photos to come.