Internet Shack #7.
AFE for lyfe
My good buddy Rob @ AFE found or took this gemicon; an indy base plate tattoo gun?~!

Internet Shack #6.
The Heated Wheel – June 5.
Internet Shack #5.
Synchronicity IV
I’m 26 years old and I haven’t had a real job for almost two years. My days have been spent lugging around a bag of extremely old and very abused camera equipment; Allowing me to document a vast movement of eclectic individuals and the inspiration they’re bringing to the table right now. I feel very blessed to do what I’m doing, and in turn- having this progress into my ‘job’ as a natural flow. Here’s a handful of recent moments in time I’ve been fortunate enough to capture and share with you..

I’ll be posting more of these moments on here in the next day or two..
(for more photos, stories, and crap; visit