Internet Shack #5.
Seats Up, Hose Down.
Cruel Sun.

Oz and Gloomy Burke




Guest post by Ozzie Ausband
Many skaters stay away from the desert areas because of the heat. However, I have– more than– a few friends that go wherever the pools are. Their thinking is quite the opposite of those that sit by the ‘beach cities’ & complain. I have pool pals back East that drive several hours & shovel snow in order to ride pools. I guess its simply a matter of being spoiled. Lets face it…California skaters have a ‘golden ticket’. Its all here & always has been. Sometimes though, you must earn it! Recently, a great crew from Orange County & the surrounding areas, got together & drove out into the heat of Coachella Valley. They cleaned, swept & prepared the pools, then tore it up. The heat was a secondary consideration & the bullnose coping took a brutal pounding that day. I saw more smiles & progression than I had seen in quite some time. That is really what its all about…isn’t it? Skate-Ozzie
Synchronicity IV
I’m 26 years old and I haven’t had a real job for almost two years. My days have been spent lugging around a bag of extremely old and very abused camera equipment; Allowing me to document a vast movement of eclectic individuals and the inspiration they’re bringing to the table right now. I feel very blessed to do what I’m doing, and in turn- having this progress into my ‘job’ as a natural flow. Here’s a handful of recent moments in time I’ve been fortunate enough to capture and share with you..

I’ll be posting more of these moments on here in the next day or two..
(for more photos, stories, and crap; visit
Jodie Foster’s Army.
Going at it for close to 30 years and still ripping.

JFA recently shot a video for their new song, Danny Sargeant’s Trucks at Punker’s Pool. CD has full coverage of that event here:

Solvang 5/1/10.
KB and I drove up to Solvang Saturday morning and meet up with the Skatopia crew for the annual reunion.
On our way up, KB got shacked at McDonalds.

Stopped by our campsite at Lake Cachuma to meet up with everyone before hitting the park.
View from the campsite.

Filled up the cooler and headed to the Solvang Skatepark. This park is pretty small, but has an awesome vibe being tucked away in the trees.
Jon-Jon Bryan

Tristan Rennie

Bomb drop off the fence



Had a BBQ for lunch in the picnic area next to the park, skated some more, had a few cold ones and then headed back to camp to see this.

Hung out, had some amazing ribs, carne asada, soup and chili, and just relaxed with friends and ODed on smores by the fire.

Huge thanks to the Hada’s and all the Skatopians for a great weekend!

Two of My Most Favorite Human Beings Alive..
Big Terry & The Gonz