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Papa Serna’s Birthday Present

Some incredible stuff went down last night, all in the name of Mike Serna. Times like this remind you that you have great friends because of skateboarding.


The man that makes it possible, PK (thanks for letting me poach your lights)



After an epic session from 3p-12a with stair lurkers, PK opened up the shallows and fired up Smash Skates’ Kevin Burke, and Old Man Army’s Mark Partain to see who could get the first grind of the night over the stairs at Ridiculous Pool (with $2.78 on the line…).

take one for the team.

It’s an unfortunate reality that during most skate sessions someone is going to go down. Sometimes they go down pretty hard. Well yesterday, Mr. Lightner was the recipient of the short straw.

A little sore, but thankfully, no broken bones.

One a lighter note, we had an amazing session and Kyle brought out his camera arsenal and went to work (pre-obliteration of course)


Jake Reuter, boardslide over the stairs. First time done by anyone at Ridiculous.
