The Entrance Band.
ASE/Broken Mag Hessian Session 7/10/10.
The guys at ASE and Broken Magazine held a little mini ramp jam and BBQ on Saturday, so KB and I drove down to check it out. Nick Gates hyped the crowd into death match style frenzy as Slayer was pumping thru the sound system. I only took a few pics towards the end. Kevin ended up taking first place, Johnny Abernathy took second and everyone else was third.





More coverage and a bunch of photos over at
KB at ASE.
Kevin Burke transfers from the mini out the back door during ASE Skate Shop’s mini ramp jam and takes home first place.
Transitions Art Show Tonight.
ASE Mini Ramp Jam this Saturday.
Matt Hensley is a Legend.
Bruce Brown Pool 6/6/10.
Quick vid from the Bruce Brown pool, RIP.
TSOL‘s “Dance With Me” is a hardcore classic that everyone should own. If you don’t own it- go buy it, it’s one of the most well rounded hardcore albums of its time, and still stands the test of time to this day. Jack’s vocals will send shivers down your spine while Todd’s bass lines will literally make you get up and dance. This album has full bedroom-mosh potential, and has helped me to punch numerous holes in my walls, stomp holes in my floors, and hang myself from my ceiling.