Easter Egg Hunt.

Art at the Frankenramp
Sea Level.
Reeves at Pigeon
Sunday at Bucky’s.
There are moments in life when I’ve asked myself “how did I get here?” This past Sunday was definitely one of those times. Ray and I drove to Bucky’s to meet Ozzie and shoot some photos of the session. Little did I know what I was about to witness. Bucky, Hewitt, Chris and Zach Miller, Ffej, Tom Remillard, Scott Taylor, T-Mag, Mike Owen, Paul Wiz, Owen Nieder and Neil Blender checking it all out from the deck. Next level shit.
Owen Nieder


Ozzie can tell you the story much better than I can. Check it out here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/bto/item/4205-on-any-given-sunday.html
Pigeons in the Desert.
Ozzie, Lance and I rolled out to the desert to meet up with Doug and Jake for a little shred sesh.



More photos here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/bto/item/4204-desert-plains.html
My favorite gay-black metal-sailors.
even if they aren’t really any of those things.
glorious DIY video.
and one to get back on track.