Bruce Brown R.I.P.
Bruce Brown’s name is permanently scribed into the concrete deck at this close to perfect right had kidney, so Ozzie coined it as Bruce Brown’s pool. I was fortunate to hit this one a few times with some good dudes. Unfortunately, the house is now on the market, been fully re-landscaped and the pool transformed from a skaters paradise to a desert oasis.
Ozzie gets the box backside as we look on

Indy nosepick over the ladder


Ollie over Ozzie’s board and ladder

Chris shallow grind


Serna gives me some motivation

Got it

Serna lays into a frontside over the ladder

Thanks to Ozzie for help with camera duties.
Check out Ozzie’s account of how this gem came to be and some more ripping here:
The Slam.
Marginal Way.
Ridiculous 6/13/10.
Ridiculous got patched up and a new paint job, so a BBQ and session was in order.
The Crew

Eddie brought over his cart and feed everyone some amazing tacos.

Then proceeded to lay down some grinds

Ozzie throws one up

Serna Sr. goes backside

Serna Jr. goes frontside



Brian coming off an injury to crail

The man that makes it all possible, PK, frontside over the ladder

Thanks to everyone for the good times. Photos by PK, Ozzie and me.
Otter Drop.
Brian Whitney demonstrates the Otter Drop.
Mondays with Jake R.
The latest “Mondays with Mike V” webisode features our homie and all around cool dude, Jake Reuter, in his backyard. Ya Jake!
In Lunar Pursuit of…