Fullerton Skatepark Needs Your Help! May 15, 2012

The Fullerton Skatepark AD HOC Committee/Fullerton Skateboarding Association is a grass-roots, community based organization. The collective of motivated citizens is focused on creating a positive skateboarding scene within their city. The park has been closed since 2010 due to illicit behavior. The FSA has agreed with the City of Fullerton to assist with overall operation and maintenance of the skatepark during peak hours in exchange for a chance to have it re-opened. The organization is working to become a non-profit and follow in the direction of other community based projects like Burnside or WSVT.

After months of meetings and hearings, the FSA has a chance to appear in front of the City Council with a finalized plan on May 15th. If approved by the city council, the Fullerton Community Skatepark should re-open by Go-Skateboarding Day in June!
Fullerton AD HOC Committee Members (Left to Right):
Doug Pickard, Aaron Orozco, Scott Minton, Hailey Villa, Matt Gaudio, Isaac Davis, Irina Pisnaya, Amy Peluso, Steve Peluso

Please come out and show your support this Tuesday, May 15 at 6:30pm. You don’t have to talk, just need to be there and the FSA will do the rest. Fullerton City Hall is located at 303 W.Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton CA 92832. For more info and to keep up to date on the process, visit the FSA Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/WeTheFSA