Easter Egg Hunt.
Art at the Frankenramp
Sea Level.
Reeves at Pigeon
Sunday at Bucky’s.
There are moments in life when I’ve asked myself “how did I get here?” This past Sunday was definitely one of those times. Ray and I drove to Bucky’s to meet Ozzie and shoot some photos of the session. Little did I know what I was about to witness. Bucky, Hewitt, Chris and Zach Miller, Ffej, Tom Remillard, Scott Taylor, T-Mag, Mike Owen, Paul Wiz, Owen Nieder and Neil Blender checking it all out from the deck. Next level shit.
Owen Nieder


Ozzie can tell you the story much better than I can. Check it out here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/bto/item/4205-on-any-given-sunday.html
Pigeons in the Desert.
Ozzie, Lance and I rolled out to the desert to meet up with Doug and Jake for a little shred sesh.



More photos here: http://www.concretedisciples.com/bto/item/4204-desert-plains.html
Adams’ 50th.
I went down to Etnies yesterday for Jay Adams’ 50th birthday. Heavy shredding and a lot of people on deck. As a surprise, Jay ended up getting married poolside. A little strange, but love makes you to crazy things, right? Happy birthday and congratulations to a living legend.
Seatrell, fakie ollie.

Spidey signs an original Terror at Tahoe banner.

KB, doin’ what he do.

The crowd witnesses the wedding ceremony…officiated by Dennis Martinez.

Jeremiah Risk, blasting.

Jay Adams turns 50!
Remy See Dat.