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Blown Away.

I can’t thank those enough who came out to the show today. I am truly overwhelmed with the amount of support from friends and family. Thank you to Ed, Shannon and Jamie for going above and beyond to help me get this together in time.

Most importantly, a huge thank you to everyone that I get to skate with and for allowing me take photos of our sessions. This would not have been possible without you.

Check out Ray’s photos and Ozzie’s write up over on CD.


Today from 2-6pm. Photos of Steve Alba, Mark Partain, Skreech, Julie Kindstrand, Christian Fletcher, Ozzie Ausband, Jake Reuter, Zach Abrams, Kevin Burke, Tristan Rennie, Art MIranda and more will be on display. I will also have new prints of Lance Mountain and Chris Livingston.

We will also have booth outside with Radballs shirts for sale. Hope to see some of you there.

Sunday, April 10 ยท 2:00pm – 6:00pm
Tattered Photography & Design Studio
5221 E. Orangethorpe Ave.
Anaheim, CA

(use for directions, not Google)