back 2 brazil.
TheoStyle and Baldulus are at it again. Back 2 Brazil this Sunday at eVocal in Costa Mesa.

the aggrolites october tour.
Just finished designing some flyers for The Aggrolites’ upcoming October shows. Check them out if you are in the area.

TheoStyle, got himself a little art show Friday, September 26. I hope there’s boxed wine.

Santa Cruz 35th Anniversary Signing
Santa Cruz Skateboards held a 35th year signing down at ASR this past Friday. Mike, Chris and I stood in line for what seemed like an eternity to shake hands and get signatures from a few of these Santa Cruz legends. Not all of the names listed were there, but definitely some heavy hitters. I just had a little point and shoot camera, so I apologize for the quality.
Rich Novak and Jim Phillips

Phillips laying down some ink.

Down the line.

Natas and Bod Boyle

Tom Knox, Eric Dressen and part of Jeff Kendall

Wall of Classics.

The finished product.

sorry about my status lately (or lack thereof..) on the posting, i’ve been working on getting MMSB running, as well as filming & shooting with the svrf & destroy scum bags..

skatebook 2 and 3.
These beauties showed up on my doorstep today…so stoked.

the head.
Here is a sneak peek of a few new designs I have done for Zebrahead. I will post up full designs when I see them printed…which may be never…

eVocal x Active x Toms Shoes
Spent most of Saturday down at Active Costa Mesa with TheoStyle and Baldulus as they muralized the place. Active was doing a promotion with Toms Shoes and asked Theo and the eVocal crew to come lay it down, and they did just that.

For more info and pictures, check out the TheoStyle Blog.
Muralist extraordinare and all around good dude, TheoStyle, has finally put his blog into action. Starting off with a little glimpse into his recent trip to Brazil. Check it.