In Lunar Pursuit of…

I picked up a new Nikon D300s last week. Here is the first crack at some video. Raw footage of KB on the Old Bro.
WSVT Shitter Jam – June 19.
Josh Mattson.
Pool School.
Memorial Weekend.
Drove down to Pala on Sunday with KB and Scott to meet up with Chris and his crew. Had the whole park to ourselves. I didn’t take any photos, but KB got a couples shots.
Scott R’n’R

I used KB’s camera to shoot this huge ollie over the trash can.

Monday headed over to Dave’s and did more talking than skating, but had a good time just hanging out.

Left Dave’s. got some In and Out and then hit a quick backyarder.

Finished the day off at Brookhurst Park to see the old Sadlands and roll around the skatepark.