Flat Spot?
The AZPX homies are coming out with a new line of wheels. Check it out!
The AZPX homies are coming out with a new line of wheels. Check it out!
oh my.
Finally finished up the video from the Arizona trip. Can’t wait to go back.
It’s been a few months since we took a quick trip to AZ. I was waiting to post until I went through the video I shot, but that’s not going to happen any time soon. So here are some images and the short version of the trip to Arizona back in March.
KB and I left Thursday afternoon and met up with everyone at Goodyear. This park was big and rad. After driving for over 5 hours, I was too lazy to shoot any photos…or do anything for that matter.
Michael Serna Jr. over the channel
Danny Sandoval nosepickin’
Went back to Gobber’s to crash out. Before we called it a night, Zach Abrams had to take a plastic banana board to Eggplant on the extension.
Woke up early Friday morning and headed out to a glorious ditch.
J.r. Lasater, Boneless
Sam Keeley, Crail blockage
Kevin Burke, Wall ride
Stopped by Peoria on the way back. This park was super fun and we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.
Gobber, guns blazin’
Papa Serna, FSG
Back to camp for refreshments
Joe wastes no time
Night fell and things started to get heated. Gobber’s Friday night ramp sesh was going off in full force and some heavy dudes showed up to rip. I fired off a few shots before it got too crazy.
KB, lien on the extention
J.r., layback grind to revert over the loveseat
Raged most of the night and woke up early Saturday to hit the road to Tuscon.
Stopped by Frog pool.
Lurkville USA
Serna Jr, side wall attack
Stopped in Coolidge. Fun park in the middle of nowhere.
One of many reasons that AZ rules.
Got to Tucson. This happened.
We then went to check out the Santa Rita park. Huge keyhole bowl and some rad little bowl and flow areas.
Checked out this crappy thing, but surprisingly some heavy shredding went down.
pa-pa-Papaya. You had to be there
KB and I split off from the group Sunday morning to meet up with Chris Livingston and skate some pools. I knew who Chris was, but this was my first time meeting him. One of the nicest dudes ever. Randy Muller from New Orleans was set to meet up with us, too.
Randy Muller, air the box
Livi, lien to tail
KB, 5-0 over the box
Randy, back smith over the box
Livi, front smith over the box
I think KB would agree with me when I say that these were two of the funnest pools we have ever skated. We didn’t want to stop, but it was getting late and we had to head back to CA. We got a few more grinds in and hit the road.
This trip was, by far, one of the best I have ever been a part of. Thanks to Serna and everyone that made it possible. Huge thanks to Gobber for the hospitality and the rest of the AZPX/WSO crew for showing us around. Thanks to Chris Livingston for taking us to some amazing gems. Finally, thanks to KB for co-piloting. Until next time.
Additional photos by Sam Haines and Serna Sr.